I choose to use fabric and wool as a physical representation of humanity. Using the soft and comfortable tributes of these materials I create pieces which initially appeal to our 'inner child'. Through distorting the figures and bringing out a harsher character, I then turn my work into an emotional contradiction, whilst focusing on the themes of power and control within society.
A brutal mutilation of these materials opens up new questions and concerns about the reality of humanity.
They are the truth, warning you away from their cute and cosy exterior.
Just wanting to sit around, can't be bothered to do anything. Lazy will let everyone else work, whilst watching and moaning about the little, petty problems of life.
All of these sculptures, whilst expressing different feelings and emotions, do however have one thing in common that links them all together as a race, and also links them to us; humanity. Each and every doll is ‘born’ with a belly button. Linking them with myself, as a child is through the umbilical cord to it’s mother, these characters are born of me, and born of humanity and suffer the same weaknesses and strengths society does. They are a representation of humanity, and whist expressing themselves in a more visual way, they are the truth, bare, naked humanity.
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